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SUNY Oneonta

Training Facilities

SUNY Oneonta will collaborate with Oneonta/Otsego Northern Catskill, Board of Cooperative Educational Services (ONC BOCES)to establish an Offshore Wind Energy Pipeline Program for local high school and university students. The program aims to prepare students for careers in offshore wind energy, renewable energies, and related fields like battery storage.

Starting in ONC BOCES Mechatronics and New Visions Engineering programs, students will receive instruction on wind and renewable energy, supplemented by meetings with industry professionals and site visits to wind energy installations and manufacturers. Additionally, students will have the opportunity to pursue micro-credentials in wind technology and renewable energy.

SUNY Oneonta will also develop a Sustainable Energy Demonstration Lab (SEDL) to support research in offshore wind energy and renewables, providing hands-on experience for students alongside industry fellows. Furthermore, SUNY Oneonta students can pursue micro-credentials and enroll in the 3+2 Engineering program in Applied Physics with a sustainability focus.

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